Seasonal Eating Guide: Spring

Let the gorgeous spring weather be a reminder of the importance of eating with the seasons to support optimum health.

As the seasons change, we are provided with a unique opportunity to utilise a variety of wonderful foods that are only available some parts of the year.

Seasonal food provides natural diversity that we can use to our advantage as part of a holistic diet to benefit our health and the planet.

Generic supermarkets stock out-of-season fruits and vegetables all year round. For in-season produce, you’ll need to do a trip to your local farmers market, green grocer, farm gate or maybe your own garden. Below we have listed our top reasons for eating seasonally and regionally.


1 . T A S T E

In-season produce is fresher and tastes better because it’s perfectly ripe. Naturally ripened fruit and vegetables harvested at the right time will have better nutrition.

Refrigeration during transportation or artificially ripening produce reduces flavour and changes texture.

2 . A V O I D I N G N A S T I E S

Out-of-season produce relies on waxes, chemicals and preservatives to make them look fresher and tastier than they are.

3 . S A V E M O N E Y

Locally sourced produce is cheaper because there are no expenses involved, including storage and transportation.

4 . N U T R I T I O N A L V A L U E

Seasonal produce is fresher and consumed closer to harvesting. Out-of- season produce is sourced from locations with different climates and may be stored for long periods, reducing nutritional value.

5 . A V O I D C O N T A M I N A N T S

Overseas agriculture may not regulate use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, possible soil contaminants and processing. Avoid unnatural preservation methods such as waxes, irradiation and gassing with methyl bromide.

6 . L O W E R F O O D M I L E S

This refers to the distance it takes your food to travel from where it’s grown to where you buy it. This measurement includes gas, oil and other factors.

7 . S U P P O R T L O C A L F A R M E R S + S M A L L B U S I N E S S E S

Our money goes back into the community rather than middle men like international farmers, large chain supermarkets and freight companies.

8 . D I V E R S I T Y

Eating with the seasons encourages us to eat a variety of food to provide our bodies with the full spectrum of nutrients essential for health.


Spring is upon us, and spring cleaning is common practice in our homes—but is it time to spring clean your diet as well?

The Spring Meal Prep Program is here to help. If there is one thing successful healthy eaters swear by, it is meal prep.

This program will get you back into the habit of meal prepping, eating healthy, and feeling awesome with three weeks of delicious, Springinspired meals all planned out for you.

All you need to do now is commit to this 3-week challenge. Grab the meal plan, shopping list, and prep guide and let's get to it!

The recipes in The Spring Meal Prep Program are rich in vegetables and fruit, with legumes, whole grains, lean protein from both animal and plant sources, healthy fats like nuts and seeds to provide an array of essential nutrients.

Think more from the earth and less from a packet. Wholefoods and real ingredients are our passion and we work to inspire you to eat in a way that nourishes you, helping you live a healthy balanced life.

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This program will get you back into the habit of meal prepping, eating healthy, and feeling awesome with three weeks of delicious, Springinspired meals all planned out for you.

Written by nutritionist Anushka Malcolm and naturopath Lily Zurlino, Bare Health Studio co-founders.


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